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Wwise SDK 2018.1.11
Adding Media to an Audio Plug-in

The plug-in media system allows a plug-in (effect, source, sink, or mixer) to store binary data files in the project by leveraging the Wwise architecture.

There are many benefits to using plug-in media as opposed to using custom data in the plug-in:

  • Built-in persistence of data
  • Source Control integration (using work-group features)
  • Per platform specific conversion of data allowed
  • End-user selection of SoundBanks to hold the data allowed

Wwise Authoring Plug-in

Managing Plug-in Media

Override the function AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::SetPluginObjectMedia and store the pointer for later use. This function will be called at the initialization of the Wwise plug-in (authoring side). By implementing this function, you will receive an interface to an IPluginObjectMedia*, which allows to you to manage media files.

class MyPlugin : public AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin
virtual void SetPluginObjectMedia( IPluginObjectMedia * in_pObjectMedia )
m_pObjMedia = in_pObjectMedia;

You can import media files by calling AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectMedia::SetMediaSource. When importing media, they will be copied to the plug-in's Original directory and will be managed completely by Wwise. To add a plug-in media file at index 0:

m_pObjMedia->SetMediaSource( tszFilename, 0, bReplace );

Later, you can call AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectMedia::InvalidateMediaSource to request a conversion of the media files. Override the function to be notified when the plug-in data changes.

virtual void NotifyPluginMediaChanged()
// React to changes
// ...
// Notify Wwise the data needs to be reconverted
m_pPSet->NotifyInternalDataChanged( AK::IAkPluginParam::ALL_PLUGIN_DATA_ID );

Refer to documentation of functions of AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectMedia for more information.

Converting the Media for Runtime

You may want to convert your media for runtime. To implement conversion functions, you need to inherit from AK::Wwise::IPluginMediaConverter and implement the required functions (including ConvertFile and GetCurrentConversionSettingsHash) that will allow you to convert your imported original WAV to an appropriate format for the real-time component.

Once you implement all functions in AK::Wwise::IPluginMediaConverter, you can override the function GetPluginMediaConverterInterface() to tell Wwise you want to convert your media.

virtual AK::Wwise::IPluginMediaConverter* GetPluginMediaConverterInterface()
return this;

Here is an example implementation of the AK::Wwise::IPluginMediaConverter functions:

AK::Wwise::ConversionResult YourPlugin::ConvertFile(
const GUID & in_guidPlatform,
const BasePlatformID & in_basePlatform,
LPCWSTR in_szSourceFile,
LPCWSTR in_szDestFile,
AkUInt32 in_uSampleRate,
AkUInt32 in_uBlockLength,
AK::Wwise::IProgress* in_pProgress,
// Convert the original source to a converted file.
// At minimum, copy the original file to converted
::CopyFile(in_szSourceFile,in_szDestFile, FALSE);
ULONG YourPlugin::GetCurrentConversionSettingsHash( const GUID & in_guidPlatform, AkUInt32 in_uSampleRate , AkUInt32 in_uBlockLength )
AK::FNVHash32 hashFunc;
// Generate a Hash from parameters that have an influence on the conversion.
// Take the source file name.
CString szInputFileName;
m_pObjMedia->GetMediaSourceFileName( szInputFileName.GetBuffer( _MAX_PATH ), _MAX_PATH );
return hashFunc.Compute( (unsigned char *)(LPCTSTR)szInputFileName, szInputFileName.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR) );

Plug-in Definition

In the plug-in definition file, ensure you have the CanReferenceDataFile element set to true.

<EffectMixerSourceOrSinkPlugin Name="YOUR_PLUGIN" CompanyID="???" PluginID="???">
<PluginInfo MenuPath="???">
<Platform Name="Windows">
<Platform Name="XboxOne">

Runtime Plug-In

Using Plug-in Media at Runtime

In the real-time component of your plug-in, when implementing AK::IAkEffectPlugin, you will receive an AK::IAkEffectPluginContext pointer in the Init(...) function. From the AK::IAkEffectPluginContext, you can call AK::IAkPluginContextBase::GetPluginMedia to obtain the converted media that was packaged in Wwise SoundBanks.

AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, // Memory allocator interface.
AK::IAkEffectPluginContext* in_pFXCtx, // FX Context.
const AkAudioFormat& in_rFormat // Audio input format. )
AkUInt8 * pPluginData = NULL;
AkUInt32 uPluginDataSize;
in_pFXCtx->GetPluginMedia( 0, pPluginData, uPluginDataSize );
if ( pPluginData == NULL )
return AK_Fail; // No point in instantiating plug-in without impulse response.
Note: This example shows how to use effect plug-in media at runtime. However, it could just as easily be illustrating how to use another plug-in type, such as a source plug-in. In that case, you'd be implementing AK::IAkSourcePlugin and receiving an AK::IAkSourcePluginContext pointer.

Usage in Wwise

Using Plug-in Media in Effects Inside Bus

In Wwise, all bus Effects are stored in the Init.bnk. To avoid having the Init.bnk be too large, the plug-in media is not automatically added to Init.bnk. You will need to manually add the Effect ShareSet or the bus to a separate SoundBank.

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