
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
AkRadialEmitter from the Inspector

This component adds an inner and outer radius to the game object to simulate a radial emitter. The sound's spread will automatically be calculated according to the inner and outer radius and the distance between the emitter and the listener. The distance used for applying attenuation curves is taken as the distance between the listener and the closest point on the inner radius sphere.

The component calls AK:SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectRadius() with the specified outer and inner radius values in the parameters.

Note: This feature only works with Spatial Audio, meaning there must be an AkSpatialAudioListener in the scene.
  • Outer Radius: Set the field to the desired outer radius size. The number set is sent directly to the spatial audio call without any transform. If gizmos are enabled and the current game object is selected, a yellow sphere is drawn around the game object's position to visualize the size entered.
  • Inner Radius: Set the field to the desired inner radius size. The size cannot be higher than the outer radius size. The number set is sent directly to the spatial audio call without any other transform. If gizmos are enabled and the current game object is selected, a yellow sphere is drawn around the game object's position to visualize the size entered.

If a game object with AkRadialEmitter is used with the AkAmbient component's Large_Mode position type, radii are added to all positions. The AkRadialEmitter also works with multipositioning.

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