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Wwise SDK 2021.1.14

◆ PostMIDIOnEvent()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkPlayingID AK::SoundEngine::PostMIDIOnEvent ( AkUniqueID  in_eventID,
AkGameObjectID  in_gameObjectID,
AkMIDIPost in_pPosts,
AkUInt16  in_uNumPosts,
bool  in_bAbsoluteOffsets = false,
AkUInt32  in_uFlags = 0,
AkCallbackFunc  in_pfnCallback = NULL,
void *  in_pCookie = NULL,
AkPlayingID  in_playingID = AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID 

Executes a number of MIDI Events on all nodes that are referenced in the specified Event in an Action of type Play. The time at which a MIDI Event is posted is determined by in_bAbsoluteOffsets. If false, each MIDI event will be posted in AkMIDIPost::uOffset samples from the start of the current frame. If true, each MIDI event will be posted at the absolute time AkMIDIPost::uOffset samples. To obtain the current absolute time, see AK::SoundEngine::GetSampleTick. The duration of a sample can be determined from the sound engine's audio settings, via a call to AK::SoundEngine::GetAudioSettings. If a playing ID is specified then that playing ID must be active. Otherwise a new playing ID will be assigned.

in_eventID Unique ID of the Event
in_gameObjectID Associated game object ID
in_pPosts MIDI Events to post
in_uNumPosts Number of MIDI Events to post
in_bAbsoluteOffsets Set to true when AkMIDIPost::uOffset are absolute, false when relative to current frame
in_uFlags Bitmask: see AkCallbackType
in_pfnCallback Callback function
in_pCookie Callback cookie that will be sent to the callback function along with additional information
in_playingID Target playing ID







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