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Wwise closes in M1 Pro MacBook Pro

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I've just installed both Wwise 2021.1.8.7831 and 2019.2.14.7616. Neither will stay open in a MacBook Pro with M1 Pro running the latest Monterey version 12.3.1. First time I've got a prompt to install a Gecko package, which I did, but after that, any time I open any of the versions, Wwise closes shortly. And I don't get any crash window, so I guess it's not a proper crash.

What can I do?


asked May 9, 2022 in General Discussion by Lucas R. (170 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hi Lucas,

As there is no crash reporter on macOS, the issue may in fact be a crash.

However, testing on a M1 Mac Mini (2020), I cannot reproduce your issue. There are a couple things you can try:

  • Reboot the machine in case a zombie process is preventing Wine from running properly
  • Close Wwise, delete the folder "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Wwise2019 and relaunch Wwise

If the issue persist, look into the if there is a crash report logged and attach it if so.

answered May 10, 2022 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,420 points)
selected May 24, 2022 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
Thank you for your answer. Deleting that folder worked. Thank you very much!