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Wwise integration packages don't work with Unity 5

0 votes
I've done the following steps:

1. Create a new project in Unity 5

2. Create a new Wwise project next to the Assets folder

3. Imported the WwiseUnityIntegration_v2014.1.4_Mac.unitypackage

Now my console is full of errors like this:

Multiple plugins with the same name 'aksoundengine' (found at 'Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Mac_new/Release/AkSoundEngine.bundle' and 'Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Mac_new/Profile/AkSoundEngine.bundle'). That means one or more plugins are set to be compatible with Editor. Only one plugin at the time can be used by Editor.

There seems to be 3 versions of the aksoundengine, release, debug and profile. What is the recommended solution for fixing this situation?
asked Mar 26, 2015 in General Discussion by Olli A. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
This is caused by a Unity issue. Unity 5 changed the way plugins are handled, and we are using this new method to manage our various plugins. However, building a .unitypackage on a Mac erases all the proper settings, so importing this package afterwards generates errors like the one you see. (See the bug report here: )

This error can be safely ignored, and you can go through the installation process. During the setup, the integration will properly install the plugins, and the errors will go away.
answered Mar 26, 2015 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)