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Why should I use a Virtual Folder?

0 votes
When organizing objects in the Project Explorer > Audio tab hierarchies, I prefer to use Actor-Mixers instead of Virtual Folders because it allows me to have hierarchical control over the children (overall volume control, default output bus, default RTPC behavior, etc.). Whenever I see people using Virtual Folders, I recommend they use Actor-Mixers instead. Here's my question: In what circumstances are a Virtual Folder preferable over an Actor-Mixer? I can't think of any situation in which I'd want to use a Virtual Folder.
asked May 3, 2017 in General Discussion by Ian S. (2,060 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
An Actor-Mixer will take a tiny bit of runtime memory vs. virtual folders that are not packaged in the SoundBanks. We're really talking about a few bytes per Actor-Mixer, so nothing to care about 99.x% of the time. The workflow benefit during development usually outweigh the runtime consideration.  

answered May 5, 2017 by Simon A. (Audiokinetic) (3,570 points)
Aha! Thank you!