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Audio still running when game stops

0 votes

I am experiencing a very weird problem with Unity 5.5.0 and Wwise 2016.2.4.

When I play the game from the editor, everything is ok. But when I stop the game, all sounds are still playing and the remote connection with Wwise is still running.

The behavior I used to know is that all audio are killed when I stop the game and the remote connection disconnects at the same time.

The problem seems to be project specific because  everything is ok on an another projects.

Anyone as reproduce this issue ?

Thank you
asked Aug 22, 2017 in General Discussion by Jak L. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The remote connection is tied to the editor as well. Try to export the game as an executable and see if it still causes this!
answered Sep 15, 2017 by Deepak Chennakkadan (1,830 points)