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Reset Sequence Container Playlist

+6 votes

Is there a way to reset the sequence variation for a sequence container that is "mid-sequence"?


Ex. Sequence Container w/ 4 variations in playlist

  • Event plays Sequence Container variation 1
  • Event plays Sequence Container variation 2
  • Event plays Sequence Container variation 1 (instead of  Sequence Container variation 3)

So far, the Break Event Action does not "Reset" the playlist.





asked Jul 16, 2014 in General Discussion by Damian K. (920 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Instead of a sequence container, you could use a switch container using an RTPC parameter to control what sound to play. Use an event that does +1 to the RTPC and also plays the switch container. Then have another event that can reset the RTPC value.

I suppose the trade-off is that if your RTPC value is 1, 2, 3, once it gets to 3, you'll also have to manually reset the RTPC unlike with a sequence container which would automatically go back to the beginning. At least they can be the same event though for resetting mid-sequence and resetting at the end.
answered Jul 16, 2014 by Daniel Beck (390 points)
Hey, this is a really cool suggestion and would totally work!
Just implemented it and it works! I want to specify if ever somebody else has the same issue : You're looking to add all of your sounds in a music segment (i.e. = have them play all at once) and then fine tune the volume RTPC of each SFX so that only one plays when RTPC is at 1, at 2, 3 and so forth.
I'd also change the general range of the RTPC you created so that it fits the number of SFX you have to play (i.e. if you have 8 SFX, create a range of 8).

In the event setup, you should be able to "Set Game Parameter". Just pick the RTPC you're using, select "Relative" and set "Game Parameter Value" to 1.
0 votes

By selecting the Game Object scope in the Sequence Container's Property Editor, every game object will have its own playlist context.  You could kill the game object at MAGIC_HAPPENS_HERE, and recreate it.  Don't know if that is feasible for you?

answered Jul 16, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,450 points)
Definitely not ideal to go around destroying game objects. :)

Would be great to have an Event Action to Reset the Playlist!
For reference, this is feature request WG-14398.
Golden! Thanks for logging it!
+2 votes
As of 2015.1.9, an event can be created to reset the playlist.

It would be nice to be able to do this from code without creating a separate event for it (such as through EventAction or ExecuteActionOnEvent) but it appears that can't be done yet.
answered Dec 9, 2018 by Matt J. (350 points)
For me, as of version 2018.1.5 the "Reset_Playlist" event doesn't work at all. Anyone has the same issue?