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0 votes

I'm starting to work on a PUGB style of game where there will be around 10 characters to play with. Since they all share many common actions (like: footsteps, health, die, get damage, etc) I was wondering if creating one single Wwise Event for each action, and then switching between characters, would be a good idea or not. It would be something like this:

I was thinking of doing the same for the NPCs but not sure what could happen when several enemies are triggering the same action.

Any thoughts?

in General Discussion by Guido M. (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
For this method to work you would need to use Switches, not States. States by definition can only have one global value at a time. This means that if more than one player exists in a given game (or more than one NPC) they would not be able to have states customized to their own current actions. Switches, on the other hand, can have an infinite number of switch settings simultaneously so long as they are associated to individual game objects (ie. characters and NPCs). Beyond that, this method should work.
by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)
Thanks Beatrix!
You are welcome :).