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Can't find "Switch type" in Music Switch Container Property Editor (MAC version)

0 votes
Can't find "Switch type" in Music Switch Container Property Editor (MAC version)...

It also seems to miss som other functions...  Tried to follw the WWise tutorial on youtube, but the layout in the Music Switch Container Property Editor is different than in the video (maybe because of the new mac version?!)

Anyway... How do I fint the " Switch type" dropdown menu?
asked Jul 21, 2014 in General Discussion by Martin P. (110 points)
edited Jul 21, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

0 votes

The switch type field was removed from the Switch Container, and the videos were not updated yet.  The switch type is now automatically determined by selecting either a Switch Group or a State Group, when clicking the Group's >> button.

Please refer to documentation by pressing the help button "?" on the Property Editor.

Note: The Mac version is identical from the Windows, apart from a few interactions listed in the known issues (

answered Jul 21, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,750 points)