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Wwise v2017.2.0.6500 crash in UE4 4.18.3 with -game option in Editor configuration

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Just integrated last Wwise SDK 2017.2.0.6500 into UE4 4.18.3.

We have a crash when loading in editor configuration with -game option.

Crash occurs in AkAudioDevice.cpp with:  auto& LevelEditorModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FLevelEditorModule>(TEXT("LevelEditor"));

In this configuration (-game) there is no levelEditor loaded
ensureMsgf(!IsRunningGame(), TEXT("The MainFrame module should only be loaded when running the editor.  Code that extends the editor, adds menu items, etc... should not run when running in -game mode or in a non-WITH_EDITOR build"));

We made hotfix with   "if ( !IsRunningGame() )" to encapsulate this part of code.


Could Wwise team confirm this problem and fix it ?




最新提问 1月 15, 2018 分类:General Discussion | 用户: franck o. (200 分)


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Hello Franck, thanks a lot for reporting this ! We managed to reproduce this crash and opened an issue. It is referenced by number WG-36200 and should be fixed in next 2017.2.1 patch release.
最新回答 1月 17, 2018 用户: Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 分)