We are seeing that AkReverbVolumes are not working in our custom game prototype (based on UE4 ShooterGame) and we are running UE4.4.2, WWise 4.4 Integration, and WWise v2013.2.9 (64-bit). AkReverbVolumes do work in the ReverbDemo.umap for us. Normal AKSounds and PostEvent are working for us so we know that the soundbanks are being properly generated. We know that WWise is being properly initialized by seeing the line "LogInit: Audiokinetic Audio Device initialized.". We also have initialized the iZotope and Convolution Reverb plugins (and have valid licenses for those plug-ins).
In our own WWise project we have mirrored the bus setup of the ReverbDemo project to include a Reverb bus under "Master-Mixer Hierarchy" -> "Default Work Unit" -> "Master Audio Bus" -> "Reverb". This reverb bus has one simple iZotope Hybrid Reverb effect of "Auditorium (Custom)".
We set up a looping ambient sound in the level and then we drag an AkReverbVolume on top of it with box brush size (2000, 2000, 2000). We make sure the 'Enabled' checkbox is checked, the AuxBusName is 'Reverb', Send Level is 1, Fade Rate is 0.5, and Priority is 10000. There are no other overlapping volumes in that space.
When we regenerate the soundbanks and preview the level, we are able to hear the looping ambient sound but the AkReverbVolume does not affect it even though the sound is clearly within the bounds of the reverb volume. The ambient sound is placed via Unreal, we also have sounds attached to a pawn that are posted by WWise and those sounds are not affected by reverb either. There are no logs or errors messages printed out anywhere.
Can you advise on what we should check next to get reverb working?