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0 votes

I am trying to upgrade a Unity project from its integration with Wwise 2013.2.8 build 4865 to Wwise 2014.1 build 5129 beta. I am operating on a Mac system, and both the Wwise session and the Unity session has been upgraded without any issue or error to the respective latest version of their software (Wwise 2014.1 build 5129 beta and Unity 4.5.4f1).

By the way, I read the documentation thoroughly but couldn't solve this problem.

As far as I am understanding this correctly, I would need to import the corrispondent Unity_Wwise_Integration package into Unity and that should do the trick. Unfortunately that is not the case as I am getting a few errors. In particular Unity cannot find the AkSoundEngine. I have tried to download the source code for the integration package but it fails to build because it says that it cannot find the WWISESDK folder (tried both from Unity UI and from XCode IDE).

How can I fix this issue?

Please let me know if any further detail is needed on your side to help me fix this issue.

Thanks in advance for your support.
in General Discussion by Lorenzo S. (330 points)
I am having a similar issue attempting to upgrade from 2014.1 4960 to 2014.1 5158. I have tried the following:

Method 1:
1) Import 2014.1 5158 package
2) No migration screen, compilation errors (below)

- "Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkBaseInspector.cs(49,45): error CS0117: `AkUtilities' does not contain a definition for `SetByteArrayProperty'"
- "Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkBaseInspector.cs(65,56): error CS0117: `AkUtilities' does not contain a definition for `GetByteArrayProperty'"
- "Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkBaseInspector.cs(103,67): error CS0117: `AkUtilities' does not contain a definition for `GetLastRectAbsolute'"

Method 2:
1) Delete Wwise folder in Assets
2) Import 2014.1 5158 package
3) No migration screen, compilation errors telling me that any code in my project that calls into the Wwise API cannot find said API classes/functions.

In the case of method 2, I noticed that everything under Deployment/API has a ".new" extension instead of ".cs". Any tips on getting this thing upgraded?
Edit: Posted my reply at the wrong place, please ignore this message :)

5 Answers

+1 vote

Yesterday we released the final 2014.1 version of Wwise (Build 5158) and its corresponding Unity Integration.

You can get the files in our Download section.


Regarding your Unity migration issue:

- Make sure to backup your Unity Project

- Import the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package.

- You will be prompted with a migration screen.

- Click Start and wait for the migration to complete.

- When migration is complete, restart Unity.


Let us know if this solves your issue.

by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
edited by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)
Thanks for your reply Fabian. Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. When I import the Unity integration package:
1) I am not prompted with the migration screen
2) I get the following error: Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkEventInspector.cs(51,97): error CS0433: The imported type `AkCallbackType' is defined multiple times

Any idea why?
0 votes

Thanks for your reply Fabian. Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. When I import the Unity integration package:
1) I am not prompted with the migration screen
2) I get the following error: Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkEventInspector.cs(51,97): error CS0433: The imported type `AkCallbackType' is defined multiple times

Any idea why?

by Lorenzo S. (330 points)
Did you import the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package in your original Unity project containing only Wwise 2013.2.8 Integration ? There is little chance to get migration to work if you imported the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package in the Unity project where migration failed the first time. If you provide some precise repro steps of what you did exactly, we will be able to investigate.

In the meantime I would suggest you to:

- Backup your Unity project.
- Close Unity.
- On your Mac, navigate to /YourUnityProjectFolder/Assets and Delete the " Wwise " folder.
- Re-open Unity and re-open your project.
- Errors will be displayed, just ignore them.
- Import the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package.
- No migration screen should appear.
- If you had custom scripts, copy them from your backed up Unity project folder into the Unity project folder where you just imported the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package.
- If Wwise Picker is not present, navigate to Window > Wwise Picker to display the Wwise Picker tab
- Inside Wwise Picker tab, click [ Populate ] button to gather your project data.

This should fix your project.

NOTE: If your Unity project contained switches, you will get an error but that's expected. Error should only appear the very first time your trigger a switch right after the fresh installation. Just save your project after triggering them by hand and you should be good.
0 votes
Hello? Anyone? :)
by Lorenzo S. (330 points)
My reply is just above ;)
Hi Fabian,
thanks for getting back to me.
I've tried the steps you provided but I ran into 2 issues.
1) Right after I import the integration package I get a bunch of warnings (72 to be precise) and the following error:
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkEventInspector.cs(51,97): error CS0433: The imported type `AkCallbackType' is defined multiple times
2) I didn't get what you're saying here "If you had custom scripts, copy them from your backed up Unity project folder into the Unity project folder where you just imported the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package". Do you mean if I had custom scripts in my Wwise folder? Or in which folder? I do have scripts that communicate with wwise but they're in the asset folder and are still there after the import.

I also tried to rebuild the session from scratch doing the following:
1-Create an empty project on Mac with the latest stable version of Unity (4.5.4f1)
2-Import AngryBots from the Asset Store
3-Install WwiseUnityIntegration_v2014.1_Mac.unitypackage
4-ignore the 141 Warnings of .meta files that cannot find the file they're pointing at
5-restart unity
6-get the following error:
Wwise: Unable to install new platform plugins. Please copy them manually to Assets/Plugins
AkWwisePostImportCallback:InstallNewPlatforms() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:147)
AkWwisePostImportCallback:PostImportFunction() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:45)
AkWwisePostImportCallback:.cctor() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:19)

I'm really confused and don't know what to do at this point. Can you get me out of this? :) Let me know if there's any kind of log or whatever can be of help to you. I'll gladly send it over (or copy/paste)

Thanks again for your time and support! :)

P.S. Even though I tick the "Email me if a comment is added after mine" I don't get any e-mails (I don't have a spam filter on, and I do check the spam folder regularly, one never knows...)
"Wwise: Unable to install new platform plugins. Please copy them manually to Assets/Plugins" => I just got this message with 2014.1.2 Mac & Windows (on mac machine) when importing in our project but not in an empty project. It seems that in our project, during the wwise post process scripts, the "Mac_new" folder was not properly deleted (under Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/). I think the bug occurs when the project Editor settings Version Control Mode set to "Visible Meta Files".  The plugin installed fine but the obsolete empty folder was causing the log warning.
0 votes

Hi Fabian,
thanks for getting back to me.
I've tried the steps you provided but I ran into 2 issues.
1) Right after I import the integration package I get a bunch of warnings (72 to be precise) and the following error:
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkEventInspector.cs(51,97): error CS0433: The imported type `AkCallbackType' is defined multiple times
2) I didn't get what you're saying here "If you had custom scripts, copy them from your backed up Unity project folder into the Unity project folder where you just imported the 2014.1 (Build 5158) Unity Integration Package". Do you mean if I had custom scripts in my Wwise folder? Or in which folder? I do have scripts that communicate with wwise but they're in the asset folder and are still there after the import.

by Lorenzo S. (330 points)
I also tried to rebuild the session from scratch doing the following:
1-Create an empty project on Mac with the latest stable version of Unity (4.5.4f1)
2-Import AngryBots from the Asset Store
3-Install WwiseUnityIntegration_v2014.1_Mac.unitypackage
4-ignore the 141 Warnings of .meta files that cannot find the file they're pointing at
5-restart unity
6-get the following error:
Wwise: Unable to install new platform plugins. Please copy them manually to Assets/Plugins
AkWwisePostImportCallback:InstallNewPlatforms() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:147)
AkWwisePostImportCallback:PostImportFunction() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:45)
AkWwisePostImportCallback:.cctor() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:19)

I'm really confused and don't know what to do at this point. Can you get me out of this? :) Let me know if there's any kind of log or whatever can be of help to you. I'll gladly send it over (or copy/paste)

Thanks again for your time and support! :)

P.S. Even though I tick the "Email me if a comment is added after mine" I don't get any e-mails (I don't have a spam filter on, and I do check the spam folder regularly, one never knows...)
Edit: Posted my reply at the wrong place, please ignore this message :)
0 votes
I investigated about your issue. I successfully migrated Angry Bots project from Unity Mac 4.3 with Wwise 2013.2.8 (Build 4865) Integration to Unity 4.5.4 with Wwise 2014.1 (Build 5158) Integration.

Here are the steps i followed:

01- Create New unity project with Unity 4.3
02 - Import Angry Bots Package
03 - Once import is over, close Unity Project (don't save the scene)
04 - Open Unity 4.3
05 - You are prompted with an "Upgrading Project" Message.
06 - Click [ Continue ] Button
07 - Wait for Ugrade to complete
08 - Import Wwise 2013.2.8 (Build 4865) Integration
09 - In Wwise Installation screen, click [ … ] Button to set project path
10 - The Project I browsed to is Integration Demo provided with Wwise Mac SDK
11 - In Wwise Installation Screen, click [ Start Installation ] Button
12 - You get a Unity Warning about Audio Settings
13 - Click [ OK ]
14 - Wait for Integration to complete
15 - In Unity browser, navigate to Assets folder and open "Angry Bots"
16 - In Unity Hierarchy, click on Audio Listener under Main Camera and disable audio listener Component.
17 - In Unity menu, navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Audio and tick "Disable Audio" box (you will get a "no audio listener" message otherwise if you start your scene)
18 - In Unity menu, navigate to Assets > Wwise > Install Plugins > Mac > Debug to install plugin manually
19 - Using Wwise Picker, Add soundbank to main camera  
20 - Under AkBank Component you just added, select Load On: Start
21 - Using Wwise Picker, add an event to main camera (Make Sure event is in your soundbank)
22 - Add rigidbody component if asked by Unity
23 - Under AkAmbient Component you just added, select Trigger On: Start.
24 - Close Unity 4.3
25 - Save Scene
26 - Open Unity 4.5.4
27 - Import Wwise 2014.1 Integration Package
29 - Migration Screen is displayed (BE CAREFUL: Migration screen can appear behind Unity if you remove the focus from Unity during packages import. Don't forget to right-click on Unity Icon in your Dock and select "Show all windows")
30 - Save scene if asked
31 - You get a Unity Message Asking you to Reload Project
32 - Click [ OK ]
33 - Close Unity 4.5.4
34 - Open Unity 4.5.4
34 - Play Scene: Wwise Sound Engine is Inizialized and Audio Plays.

For some reason, as Angry Bots is a quite old project, Wwise is not able to install automatically plugin at the end of migration (hence the "AkSoundEngine" error displayed in Unity console).
After reloading your project to complete the migration process, you therefore need to navigate in Unity menu to Assets > Wwise > Install Plugins > Mac and select the plugin version needed (Debug, Profile or Release) manually.

Let me know if this helps !
by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
edited by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)
Hey Fabian,
thanks a lot for your super detailed reply! I'm now downloading Unity 4.3 and I'll go over this likely during the weekend! :) Thanks a lot for your support! I'll let you know if everything goes as planned! ;) Thanks again!