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I'm going through the WWise-301 Certification and learning a lot - this is a really great learning resource!

However, I'm a bit stuck in Lesson 5: Setting Game Parameters using Wwise-Types:

Everything has worked fine so far in the course, but I get an empty property drawer for the  AK.Wwise.RTPC property in the inspector?

Any help would be highly valued
in General Discussion by Gizmo (170 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Gizmo, 

What do you mean by you get an "empty property drawer"? Are you not able to select any RTPC in it? 
There was a bug in Wwise 2021.1.0 with RTPC's not being enabled through the picker, but if you are going through Wwise-301 you are using the Wwise Adventure Game 2019.1.x right? 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)