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Sound not paused when in Game Menu (CryEngine3)

0 votes
I'm using CryEngine 3 and my sound from Wwise is not paused when i hit Esc and open the game menu. It just continues to play in the menu. How can i solve this?
asked Nov 28, 2014 in General Discussion by Tonguc B. (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You will need to create a Wwise Event for entering and exiting your menu.  For example, this could be: Menu_Enter and  Menu_Exit.

This enter event will Pause objects in your project.  You can either pause the objects directly, a parent or a bus.

The exit event will Resume the same objects.

You will need to post those events in the game engine.

answered Nov 28, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
I just wanted to add to this that CryEngine also has default required events in the Audio Controls Browser named pause_all and resume_all. Depending on which version of CE you have, it may be in g_requiredevents folder in the ACB. You can link them to your Wwise Menu_Enter and Menu_Exit events listed on the right hand side.