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Wwise playback differs from actual WAV file (windows 10, Wwise 2021.1.2.7629) [closed]

0 votes
Hi there,

Just begun using Wwise and having a lot of fun! However, I am having an issue where the audio playback of one of my Sound SFX objects sounds different than the actual imported wav file. This is only the case on Windows (on Mac, the playbacks are indistinguishable). And I am on Wwise version 2021.1.2.7629. This is affecting how the SFX object sounds in the game (in this case, very buzzy).

I'm linking a drive with the audio file in question and also a video playback of what I hear in Wwise vs what I hear from the file itself. This is from a brand new, fresh Wwise project.

EDIT: I attempted to reproduce the error using "Wwise 2019.2.12.7544" and didn't get the same buzzing on playback as I do when using "Wwise  2021.1.2.7629" on Windows. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I may need to revert back down to Wwise 2019.

Thanks for the help!
closed with the note: Closing as this is now fixed in 2021.1.3
asked Jun 26, 2021 in General Discussion by Michael K. (140 points)
closed Aug 27, 2021 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Thanks for the detailed report. We think this issue corresponds to another one in our system:
WG-55065 Resampling issues (high-frequency glitches) since the switch from XAudio2 to WASAPI

The fix for this issue is slated for the upcoming 2021.1.3 release.
Meanwhile, a temporary workaround identified was to ensure the audio device you are using is set to 48 KHz. Could you try this workaround and report if the issue persists?

answered Jun 29, 2021 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,440 points)
selected Jun 29, 2021 by Michael K.
Hey Samuel!

Setting my audio device from 44.1 KHz to 48KHz worked for me! Thanks!

However, if I built a game using this Wwise version, and a consumer had an audio device at 44.1 KHZ, would the issue persist?

Also, in general, are earlier versions of Wwise (like Wwise 2019.2) more stable than newer ones (like Wwise 2021.1)? Or should I be using Wwise 2021.1 for commercial projects? I know that Unity has newer versions, but has a long-term support (LTS) tag for previous versions of Unity.

Thanks again!
We commit to the stability of every release; we do not have LTS tags on releases.

Note that the bug does affect runtime as well, not only the Authoring so yes a game would be affected by this issue.
Hey Samuel,

I see that 2021.1.3 was released. Has this issue been resolved?

Yes: you can find this issue and other fixes listed in the release note for Windows and UWP of 2021.1.3: