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Dynamic Timers on Containers

0 votes
Hello everyone!

I am working on a music heavy puzzle game, and I have several containers set up for when players do certain types of inputs. Right now I have a sequence container that plays 4 different notes ascending the scale, to indicate that the player is getting a combo. What I would like to do is set up a timer to reset the note the container plays.

Right now if the player makes 4 moves, it plays the 4 notes in a sequence 1-2-3-4. I want to set it up where there is a 3 second timer to reset the note played back to 1. Is this something I am able to do with Wwise or does it need to be bolted/coded into the game?

Thank you for your help! I recently got Wwise certified and this is my first shipped title project, it is very exciting!
asked Sep 4, 2021 in General Discussion by Evan W. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You've got one event triggering a Sequence Container over and over again? If you switch to the Interactive Music Hierarchy you could do the following:

Have a state for each note and an event for each of those states:


  • Note1
  • Note2
  • Note3

You make a switch in the Interactive Music Hierarchy with a playlist per state/note. 

At the start of the playback of each of your Music Tracks you add a Music Event Cue corresponding to the next note. 
In the same Music track, 3 seconds later you trigger another Music Event Cue that triggers the Note1 state.


Lastly you need to stop the switch before playing it again so that the Note1 state is not triggered if you post the event a few times in a row. 
Your play switch event would be:

  • Stop Switch with a small fade time
  • Play switch

Hope this helps, it's an ultimate workaround...


answered Sep 26, 2021 by Nikola Viel [SIDE Global] (1,640 points)