Lesson 5

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Audio Sources

While using a replica of an audio file with different settings can minimize performance usage, having a completely new sound can be favorable. One solution could be to follow the previous steps of excluding a clip and including another, but this would also mean that you’d have two different audio objects to modify. To preserve your audio object settings, you can replace an audio file with another for a specific platform using the Contents Editor. This way, you can still have custom Conversion Settings or trim the sound differently, while retaining the same behavior, position, and so on. Let’s now add another Windmill Machine sound SFX for mobile, set a new Conversion Setting ShareSet and trim it.

  1. In the Platform Selector, make sure Android is selected.

  2. In the Project Explorer, expand Actor-Mixer Hierarchy > Default Work Unit > World > Ambient > Ambiences > Ambiences_Emitters > Emitters > Ambient_Windmill and select Windmill_Machine.

  3. In the Contents Editor, right-click the audio source and select Copy.

  4. Right-click it again and select Paste.

    You now have two versions of the same audio source. Let’s rename the new audio source to ease the distinction when performing changes.

  5. In the Contents Editor’s Name column, rename the new audio source to BAS_WindmillMachine_Trimmed.

    When you have not unlinked any Audio Objects, the changes you perform will be applied to all platforms. The BAS_WindmillMachine_Original will be the primary Audio Source, but on Android an exception should be made and the BAS_WindmillMachine_Trimmed should be used. As such, you will now Unlink and select the BAS_WindmillMachine_Trimmed on Android.

  6. In the Contents Editor, right-click the Unlink indicator in the top of the Use column and select Unlink.

  7. As the Content Editor is unlinked for this platform, set the BAS_WindmillMachine_Trimmed to Use.

  8. Double-click BAS_WindmillMachine_Trimmed, so the Source Editor will appear.

    Let’s trim the audio source down to approximately 5 seconds.

  9. Drag the Trim End left until you reach approx. 00:05.000.

    You can also have specific Conversion Settings for a given audio source. Let’s select a different Conversion Settings Shareset for this audio source.

  10. In the Source Editor, select the Conversion tab.

  11. Enable Override Parent to ignore the Conversion Settings outside the Source Editor.

  12. Using the Selector, select the Objects > Objects_General Conversion Settings ShareSet.

    You have now trimmed the Windmill Machine sound to approximately a fourth of its length and assigned a higher compression, reducing the audio source file size from 111.4 KB to about 40 KB.

  13. Close the Source Editor.

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