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Wwise SDK 2018.1.11
Using the Wwise Authoring API in Wwise Plug-ins

Calling a remote procedure

The Wwise Authoring API can be used to issue remote procedure calls from within a Wwise plug-in using the AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::WaapiCall() method.

Note: Calls to the AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::WaapiCall() method are always blocking.

Utility classes are provided so that callers can provide a strategy for memory allocation. AK::Wwise::Mallocator offers a default implementation using malloc and free, but a custom one can easily be provided by defining a class that implements AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc. Finally, a wrapper class AK::Wwise::SafeAllocator is used to ensure type-safety and automatic memory management.


#include <rapidjson/document.h>
// Use the default allocation strategy for results and errors
AK::Wwise::SafeAllocator<char> szResults(&alloc);
// Issue a remote procedure call to the Wwise Authoring API
m_pPSet->WaapiCall("ak.wwise.core.getInfo", NULL, NULL, &alloc, szResults, szError);
if (!szError)
// Parse the results JSON string
rapidjson::Document results;
// ...
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
// Use the default allocation strategy for results and errors
AK::Wwise::SafeAllocator<char> szResults(&alloc);
// Build a JSON object that contains the procedure's parameters
rapidjson::Document args;
args.AddMember("classId", 8192003, args.GetAllocator());
args.AddMember("property", "ModDepth", args.GetAllocator());
// Stringify the JSON object
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
// Issue a remote procedure call to the Wwise Authoring API
m_pPSet->WaapiCall("ak.wwise.core.plugin.getProperty", buffer.GetString(), NULL, &alloc, szResults, szError);
if (!szError)
// Parse the results JSON string
rapidjson::Document results;
// ...
Note: Here, RapidJSON is only used for demonstration purposes and is in no way mandatory. The library of your choice can be used to manipulate JSON.

Refer to How to Create a Wwise Plug-in DLL for more information on Wwise plug-ins.

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