
AKRESULT __cdecl AK::SoundEngine::SetSpeakerAngles ( AkReal32 in_pfSpeakerAngles,
AkUInt32  in_uNumAngles,
AkReal32  in_fHeightAngle,
AkAudioOutputType  in_eOutputType = AkOutput_Main,
AkUInt32  in_iOutputID = 0  

Set speaker angles of the specified device. Speaker angles are used for 3D positioning of sounds over standard configurations. Note that the current version of Wwise only supports positioning on the plane. The speaker angles are expressed as an array of loudspeaker pairs, in degrees, relative to azimuth ]0,180]. Supported loudspeaker setups are always symmetric; the center speaker is always in the middle and thus not specified by angles. Angles must be set in ascending order. Typical usage:

  • Initialize the sound engine and/or add secondary output(s).
  • Get number of speaker angles and their value into an array using GetSpeakerAngles().
  • Modify the angles and call SetSpeakerAngles(). This function posts a message to the audio thread through the command queue, so it is thread safe. However the result may not be immediately read with GetSpeakerAngles().
    This function only applies to configurations (or subset of these configurations) that are standard and whose speakers are on the plane (2D).
    AK_NotCompatible if the channel configuration of the device is not standard (AK_ChannelConfigType_Standard), AK_Success if successful (device exists and angles are valid), AK_Fail otherwise.
    See also:
in_pfSpeakerAngles  Array of loudspeaker pair angles, in degrees relative to azimuth [0,180].
in_uNumAngles  Number of elements in in_pfSpeakerAngles. It must correspond to AK::GetNumberOfAnglesForConfig( AK_SPEAKER_SETUP_DEFAULT_PLANE ) (the value returned by GetSpeakerAngles()).
in_fHeightAngle  Elevation of the height layer, in degrees relative to the plane [-90,90].
in_eOutputType  Output sink type. Pass AkOutput_Main for main output.
in_iOutputID  Player number or device-unique identifier. Pass 0 for main.

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