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Wwise certification 301 lesson doesn't support MAC OS 12 and 13

0 votes
Hi there, I was following the Wwise 301 lesson instruction, but it fail to open Wwise 2019.1.1 on MAC OS Ventura 13. Please advise how to do your 301 lessons on newly OS system. Thanks, Yiyang
asked Dec 13, 2022 in General Discussion by Yiyang Z. (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello Yijang Z,

Yes, it's true. Mac removed Python, which Wwise 2019.1 relies on.
We're working on a fix, but in the meantime, try to use a newer version of Wwise with these considerations in mind, or try to get ahold of a Windows computer.

More info here:

answered Dec 14, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,740 points)
0 votes
Best answer
This issue has been fixed by updating 2019.1.11 to support Monterey without Python 2.7.

More details can be found here:
answered Feb 10, 2023 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,420 points)