Lesson 6

Table of Contents

Creating Customized State Groups for Transitions

In games, fundamental sound effects don’t really change regardless of whether the player is fighting the big boss or simply exploring an empty room. In other words, a footstep on concrete isn’t any different from when a player is casually walking down a sidewalk or when he’s walking down a creepy corridor in an abandoned hospital. However, these different circumstances certainly have a different emotional impact on the player. In film, music has long been used to amplify or even create the emotional impact for a given visual scenario; but, for this to occur in a video game, the game needs to communicate when these differing situations occur. In fact the whole reason you’ve implemented the various Music Playlist Containers, such as Combat, Explore, and Boss, is to set the mood for these modes of Cube’s gameplay. But, for the music system to be able to transition between these custom musical scores, the Music Switch Container needs more information than what would normally be provided if sound effects were the only consideration.

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