Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Adjusting Wwise Initialization Settings

The Wwise Initialization Settings correspond to members of the following structures within the Wwise sound engine's C/C++ SDK:

The scope of the settings, from paths and languages, to sample rates, queue sizes, memory thresholds, pool sizes, among still many others could be daunting. The default settings, however, can be relied on most of the time. Nevertheless, there may be project-specific situations where you will want to access and adjust some of the Wwise Initialization Settings.

Accessing the Wwise Initialization Settings

The Wwise Initialization Settings have now been exposed to the Unity Editor. It is no longer necessary to script changes to them.

To access these settings, either inspect the AkWwiseInitializationSettings.asset (found in Assets/Wwise/Resources) or select Edit > Project Settings > Wwise Initialization Settings. This will prompt The Wwise Initialization Settings Inspector Window.

AkWwiseInitializationSettings asset location

The Wwise Initialization Settings Inspector Window

In the prompted Inspector window, the Wwise Initialization Settings are organized into four intuitive groups: Common User Settings, Common Advanced Settings, Wwise Communication Settings, and Platform Specific Advanced Settings (where Platform corresponds to the platform you are working on). Each setting is directly editable within the interface, be it a field, check box, or slider. For your convenience, all settings also have tooltips providing extra information about the parameter itself or its possible values.

CommonUserSettings with Tooltips.png
Common User Settings displaying convenient tooltips

Platform-specific Settings

Common User Settings, Common Advanced Settings, and Wwise Communication Settings contain settings values for each platform, grouped together for easy access. Values are globally applicable to all platforms whose check box is enabled; values can also be set on a per platform basis when the check box is disabled.

Platform Specific Advanced Settings are displayed per Wwise custom platform allowing users to configure each platform accordingly.

CommonAdvancedSettings with PerPlatformDifferences.png
Common Advanced Settings with platform value differences
Note: Your Initialization Settings changes will not take effect until after you have played and then stopped the sound engine.

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