
Build for target platform

The Procedure

  1. Install the desired plug-in configuration to the Designated Platform Plugin Folder for the target platform and architecture.
  2. Pre-generate or install the SoundBanks to the StreamingAssets Folder.
  3. Build or Build and Run your application using Unity's standard pipeline or a build script.

Wwise Plug-in Deployment

The Wwise plug-in is packaged automatically with the game by the Unity build system. By default, the Profile configuration of the plug-in is installed in your game. This is the most practical configuration for game development as it allows you to connect the Wwise profiler to your game. When you are ready to release your game, replace the Wwise plug-in to its Release configuration from the menu Assets > Wwise > Install Plugins. Debug is used only if there are specific issues with the Sound Engine itself that need to be debugged, usually with assistance from Audiokinetic support.

See also:

StreamingAssets Folder

The contents of the StreamingAssets folder are automatically deployed by Unity to the target device. Manually create one if none exists in your Unity project. See Unity's StreamingAssets feature for details. This is located at:


In the AkInitializer script, the default path to find the SoundBanks is Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks. However, you can set it to what you want. This is added to the StreamingAssets folder, to which the current platform name is added. The final path is:


Where YourPlatform is the platform name as set in the platform manager in your Wwise project. When running in the editor, the SoundBank path is always replaced to point to the Wwise Project's GeneratedSoundBank path. This is defined in the Project Settings in Wwise. This way, when integrating sounds in your game in Windows or on a Mac, you can avoid bank deployment issues.

Deploying SoundBanks In Single-Platform Projects

If you are working on a single platform title, instead of physically moving SoundBanks files into the StreamingAssets folder, the SoundBank output path in a Wwise project can be set to the desired folder under the StreamingAssets Folder so that the SoundBanks can be generated directly into the desired location. This is is the simplest workflow as it avoids the complexities of a build script.

Deploying SoundBanks In Multi-Platform Projects

For productions that ship on multiple platforms, you need to run a script that copies only the SoundBanks and streaming sounds for the platform that you are building the game on. Otherwise the game size will be unnecessarily bloated. As a workaround, we suggest that the SoundBank Output Path of the Wwise project is left to generate inside the Wwise project and the banks are copied when the game is built. To do so, use a pipeline build script to copy the SoundBanks and streamed files for the correct platform. An example is shown in the following script:


Many games will need more elaborate management; therefore, the final implementation is left to the game developers.

Handling multiple custom platforms for a reference platform

If, in your Wwise project, you have defined multiple versions of a same reference platform (for example, an iPad and iPhone platforms targeting iOS), some more scripting will be needed. See Using Wwise Custom Platforms in Unity for more information.

Exclude SoundBank Metadata

Wwise generates SoundBank metadata files (for example, .txt and .xml). They contain information about the SoundBanks to be used by your other pipeline tools, but are useless to the game. It is not necessary to copy them into your final StreamingAssets folder.

See also:
Generated on Tue Aug 23 02:44:59 2016 for Wwise Unity Integration by  doxygen 1.6.3






