
Reference View

The Reference view displays all project elements that contain direct references to a particular object or element in your project. For example, you can find which events or which SoundBanks contain references to a particular object. You simply have to add one or more objects or project elements to the References to: field and Wwise automatically creates a list of all project elements that contain direct references to these objects.

[Tip] Tip

Press Shift+F3 from most views in Wwise to have all the references of the current selection shown in the Reference View.

[Note] Note

Only the project elements that contain a direct reference to a particular object or element, and not their child objects, will be displayed in the reference view.

Interface Element


Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.

[Note] Note

The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

References to:

The name of the object or project element that is referenced by other elements in your project.

You can add an object or element to this field by using any of the following methods:

Right-clicking an object or element and selecting Find all references from the menu.

Dragging the object or element from another view in Wwise.

Clicking the Browse button and selecting an object or element.

You can add several elements to this field by selecting multiple elements before performing either of the first two methods.


Opens the Project Explorer - Browser where you can select an object or project element.

Updates the reference list.

The reference list is not updated automatically if changes are made to the project. You will need to update the reference list manually by clicking the Refresh button.

(Reference List)


The name of the object or project element that matches your search criteria.


The location in the project hierarchy of the object or project element.


The type of object or project element included in your results, for example, sound, bus, SoundBank, query, effect and so on.

Other Columns

To add other columns from the object properties, right-click the column header and select Configure Columns.

Copies the search results to the Windows clipboard so you can paste them into another application.







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