
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2018.1.11.6987 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2018.1.11
AK::SoundEngine::Query Namespace Reference


struct   GameObjDst


typedef AkArray< AkGameObjectID, AkGameObjectID, ArrayPoolDefault, 32 >  AkGameObjectsList
typedef AkArray< GameObjDst, const GameObjDst &, ArrayPoolDefault, 32 >  AkRadiusList


AKRESULT __cdecl  QueryAudioObjectIDs (AkUniqueID in_eventID, AkUInt32 &io_ruNumItems, AkObjectInfo *out_aObjectInfos)
AKRESULT __cdecl  QueryAudioObjectIDs (const char *in_pszEventName, AkUInt32 &io_ruNumItems, AkObjectInfo *out_aObjectInfos)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetPositioningInfo (AkUniqueID in_ObjectID, AkPositioningInfo &out_rPositioningInfo)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetActiveGameObjects (AkGameObjectsList &io_GameObjectList)
bool __cdecl  GetIsGameObjectActive (AkGameObjectID in_GameObjId)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetMaxRadius (AkRadiusList &io_RadiusList)
AkReal32 __cdecl  GetMaxRadius (AkGameObjectID in_GameObjId)
AkUniqueID __cdecl  GetEventIDFromPlayingID (AkPlayingID in_playingID)
AkGameObjectID __cdecl  GetGameObjectFromPlayingID (AkPlayingID in_playingID)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetPlayingIDsFromGameObject (AkGameObjectID in_GameObjId, AkUInt32 &io_ruNumIDs, AkPlayingID *out_aPlayingIDs)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetCustomPropertyValue (AkUniqueID in_ObjectID, AkUInt32 in_uPropID, AkInt32 &out_iValue)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetCustomPropertyValue (AkUniqueID in_ObjectID, AkUInt32 in_uPropID, AkReal32 &out_fValue)
Game Objects
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetPosition (AkGameObjectID in_GameObjectID, AkSoundPosition &out_rPosition)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetListeners (AkGameObjectID in_GameObjectID, AkGameObjectID *out_ListenerObjectIDs, AkUInt32 &oi_uNumListeners)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetListenerPosition (AkGameObjectID in_uIndex, AkListenerPosition &out_rPosition)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetListenerSpatialization (AkUInt32 in_uIndex, bool &out_rbSpatialized, AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr &out_pVolumeOffsets, AkChannelConfig &out_channelConfig)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetGameObjectAuxSendValues (AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkAuxSendValue *out_paAuxSendValues, AkUInt32 &io_ruNumSendValues)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetGameObjectDryLevelValue (AkGameObjectID in_EmitterID, AkGameObjectID in_ListenerID, AkReal32 &out_rfControlValue)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion (AkGameObjectID in_EmitterID, AkGameObjectID in_ListenerID, AkReal32 &out_rfObstructionLevel, AkReal32 &out_rfOcclusionLevel)

Game Syncs

enum   RTPCValue_type {
  RTPCValue_Default, RTPCValue_Global, RTPCValue_GameObject, RTPCValue_PlayingID,
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetRTPCValue (AkRtpcID in_rtpcID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkPlayingID in_playingID, AkRtpcValue &out_rValue, RTPCValue_type &io_rValueType)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetRTPCValue (const char *in_pszRtpcName, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkPlayingID in_playingID, AkRtpcValue &out_rValue, RTPCValue_type &io_rValueType)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetSwitch (AkSwitchGroupID in_switchGroup, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkSwitchStateID &out_rSwitchState)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetSwitch (const char *in_pstrSwitchGroupName, AkGameObjectID in_GameObj, AkSwitchStateID &out_rSwitchState)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetState (AkStateGroupID in_stateGroup, AkStateID &out_rState)
AKRESULT __cdecl  GetState (const char *in_pstrStateGroupName, AkStateID &out_rState)

Detailed Description

Query namespace

The functions in this namespace are thread-safe, unless stated otherwise.
Unless noted otherwise in the function definition that it will not acquire the main audio lock, the functions in this namespace might stall for several milliseconds before returning (as they cannot execute while the main sound engine thread is busy). They should therefore not be called from any game critical thread, such as the main game loop.
There might be a significant delay between a Sound Engine call (such as PostEvent) and the information being reflected in a Query (such as GetIsGameObjectActive).

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